Fishing and hunting



In the area between the Danube and the Sava, there is an open hunting ground Spačva. Arriving at the hunting ground is quick, and the ride is comfortable due to the good highway and rail connections. The hunting ground is located within the largest uninterrupted forest complex in all of Europe, the famous Slavonian oak (Quercus robur slavonica) and is an ideal habitat for deer, roe deer, wild boar and wetland and meadow birds.

The hunting ground is known for its attractive winter hunting of wild boars with the use of specially trained hunting dogs. Hunting red deer in a river in ponds is a special hunting experience.



The rivers Bosut and Spačva are rich in freshwater fish such as carp, perch and pike, which is why they are a favorite mecca for sport fishermen.

In the area of ​​the municipality of Nijemci, there are several fishing societies that organize many sports competitions, such as the sport competition in float fishing, which is held as part of the event “Divan je kićeni Srijem” (“Beautiful is the gilded Syrmia”).


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