

Triathlon is a competition which involves three different disciplines. The most often it considers sports competition in disciplines swimming, cycling and running. Competitor has to cross the predefined sections swimming, riding a bike i.e running according to a predefined schedule. This kind of competition is very popular in the world and from several hundred to several thousand people take part.

Manifestation under the name RISS – Rijeke i staze Srijema (Rivers and paths of Syrmia) has been organized since 2015 by the Tourist Board of the Municipality Nijemci, Municipality Nijemci and the Association „Triatlon klub Tri-Tim“ from Osijek. The participants swim in the river Bosut around the turnstile and back, start from the river and get out to the stairs on the left bankside on their way back. They ride on the road to the excursion site Sopotac, and on their way back through the settlement and then into the transition zone.

The aim of this manifestation is to gather as much participants as possible, and with them also the visitors, which then creates an interesting tourist product.


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