Carnival horse riding


Manifestation ,,Pokladno jahanje” (Carnival horse riding) is of traditional character which gathers lovers of horses, customs and folk costumes and as such is based on preservation of heritage of this area, and with its attractivity it attracts great number of people. Carnival horse riding has its roots from the time of the Military border. You can see horsemen dressed in traditional attire.  The custom says that the horses were less decorated in the past, but the tradition should be kept and preserved. During the carnival time, the Carnival horse riding is traditionally held around all Slavonia, Baranja and Syrmia, and also in the Municipality of Nijemci. The manifestation is here organized by the horse breeding association „Vranac“, and numerous guests gather. Around 40 horsemen from the surrounding settlements of the Municipality Nijemci and other municipalities in the Vukovar-Srijem County go through the streets dressed in traditional folk costumes and cheer with joy. The goal of the manifestation is to preserve the tradition and love for horses, because there would not have been life here in this area without horses. During the manifestation the interested parties can ride in carts or ride a horse, at every stop. Some inhabitants await the parade in front of their houses greeting them with food and drinks, singing and playing tamburica.

The event is held every carnival Thursday before the Ash Wednesday. The young horse breeders keep the tradition. The manifestation lasts whole day until late hours with common dinner with the tamburica band.


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